A rich and distinctive extra virgin olive oil is a masterpiece of flavor, which makes its creator a true artist. Finding the ideal blend between sweet and bitter, and bold and delicate to produce a well-balanced extra virgin olive oil requires both an intimate knowledge of each cultivar’s characteristics and the skills to combine those characteristics to create a great tasting final product.
“Oil is the fruit of the labor of all those who tend the olive trees, who press the olives, and create the character of a blend.”
– Giovanni Zucchi
Unique to Zucchi, the Art of Blending has been perfected by our Blendmasters, individuals whose palates have been optimized to detect and combine tastes and aromas to arrive at a one-of-a-kind extra virgin olive oil.
Our Blendmasters are on the road throughout southern Europe, visiting farmers and millers throughout Italy, Greece, and Spain to seek out robust flavors that can be used to create delicious, consistent blends. Experts at their craft, Zucchi Blendmasters identify each cultivar’s distinguishing characteristics—from sweet and fruity to bold and bitter—and combine these into a harmonious blend.